Caddis Funding LLC

Caddis Funding LLC, (“Caddis”) purchases portfolios of consumer debt owned by credit grantors including banks, finance companies, and other debt buyers. As the new owner of any debt previously owned by another creditor, Caddis’ name may appear on a letter from a collection agency.

The management of purchased assets is outsourced to a third-party specializing in the management of these types of consumer assets, InvestiNet LLC. InvestiNet is a manager of debt portfolios for credit grantors and debt buyers including Caddis Funding, and performs these services on their behalf. InvestiNet, a licensed debt collector, will likely outsource the recovery activities to other, independent, and licensed collection agencies. If you are a customer, please direct your inquiries to the firm currently servicing your account. If you would like to speak to a representative of InvestiNet, please call 888-488-7204. (

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